2008-01-17 Telecon, 10AM HST (3PM EST)
Post-meeting notes: -- Design of box was discussed. One possible design change is to bolt in the filter wheel rather than slide (more difficult to change filters, but we have 10 slots and this is more secure). Folkers will go over the documents in detail, then design remaining components and any alterations. Action Items: --Vern to post design files on the IfA public ftp site (possibly including light tubes/baffles, or maybe that will follow) --Amanda to let Vern & John know timeline for completion of manual shutter (end March is current goal for mounting) --Vern to send .ppt of optics holders/mountings to Folkers -- Amanda to obtain reflection curves for optics and place order ASAP --John to provide baffling information as needed |
MIT to call Vern's office (808 956-6527)
participants: Gulbis & Rojas (@ MIT), Rayner & Stahlberger (@ Manoa)
Items to discuss:
(1) Handoff of POETS box design from Vern to Folkers
-- Outstanding issues: file transfer, optics positions (need accurate placement values), suggestions for optics holders, camera focus assembly, manual shutter component
(2) Optics quote & order
(3) Update on current status, if desired