Occultation of C313.2

The following prediction was made from the analysis of 33 frames taken with the 1.55-m Kaj Strand Astrometric Reflector (USNO Flasgstaff Station), during the period 2005 July 3-9, and kindly supplied to us by Hugh Harris.  The offsets in the table below (from which the prediction has been calculated) refer to the difference between the inferred position of Pluto-Charon barycenter from the USNO frames and the geocentric, light-time corrected JPL Horizons ephemeris (PLU013, DE-0412, DE405).  The offsets between the measured RA and Dec of C313.2 and its UCAC2 values are also given in the table.

Reference star position:
(UCAC2, at epoch of event)
RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) R Mag
C313.2 17 28 55.0174 –15 00 54.750 14.8
Offsets from Reference Position/Ephemeris
Body RA (arcsec) Dec (arcsec) Notes
C313.2 –0.0152±0.0010 +0.0341± 0.0015 From USNO frames
Pluto System Barycenter –0.0001± 0.0017 –0.0287± 0.0033 From USNO frames
Charon 0 ± 0 ± From PLU013


C313.2 UCAC2.0 Prediction

(as of: 2005 07 10)

Geocentric Mid-time (yyyy mm dd hh:mm:ss) 2005 7 11 03:37:01 UT
Minimum Geocentric Separation (arcsec) 0.097±0.004
Position Angle (deg) 173.7
Geocentric Shadow Velocity (km s-1) 20.93
Star Magnitude 14.8 R
Solar Angle (deg) 152
East Longitude (deg) –79.0
Distance (AU) 30.06
Prediction Version C313.2-USNO-1.2

Prediction Notes

Archive of all C313.2 occultation predictions based on alternate sources of data, including past predictions.


C313.2 Occultation Predictions for Individual Sites

Site East Longitude Latitude Distance (km) Immersion (UT)

Mid-time (UT)

Emersion (UT) Duration (sec)
Bellatrix –68 10 48 –22 57 09 1129 --------- 03:36:04 --------- ----
Cerro Armazones –70 11 47 –24 35 51 984 --------- 03:36:15 --------- ----
CTIO –70 48 54 –30 09 54 401 03:36:03 03:36:23 03:36:44 41
Gemini South –70 43 24 –30 13 42 393 03:36:02 03:36:23 03:36:44 42
Geocentric ----------- ------------ 2108 --------- 03:37:01 -------- ----
Las Campanas –70 42 00 –29 00 30 521 03:36:09 03:36:22 03:36:35 26
La Silla –70 43 48 –29 15 24 496 03:36:07 03:36:22 03:36:37 30
Paranal –70 24 12 –24 37 30 984 --------- 03:36:16 --------- ----
Pico dos Dias –45 34 57 –22 32 04 714 --------- 03:34:27 --------- ----

Please direct all inquiries to Planetary Astronomy Lab (planetary-astronomy@mit.edu)

Last updated by Emily A Kramer(ekramer@mit.edu) 2005-07-10 15:00
