Pluto Occultation July 31, 2007

The northern limit, centerline, and southern limit of Pluto's shadow are shown by the three lines across the globe pictured above. The shaded area represents where the sun is more than 12 degrees below the horizon.

P495.3 Prediction

(as of: 2007 03 21)

Geocentric Mid-time (yyyy month dd hh:mm:ss) 2007 July 31 13:50:11± 00:00:11 UT
Minimum Geocentric Separation 0.271± 0.008 arcsec
Position Angle (Pluto relative to the star; measured north through east) 167.921 degrees
Geocentric Velocity 16.8 km/sec
Prediction Version P495.3-AST-1.4


Reference star position:
(UCAC2, at epoch of event)
RA (h:m:s; J2000) Dec (d:m:s; J2000) UCAC Mag1
P495.3 17 45 41.9795 –16 29 31.654 13.3
P495.3 Corrected 17 45 41.9845 –16 29 31.667  
1The UCAC bandpass (579-642nm) is between V and R.
Offsets from Reference Position/Ephemeris2
Body RA (arcsec) Dec (arcsec) Notes


+0.078± 0.008 –0.012± 0.008 From 60 strip scans


2All "offsets" are defined in the ("corrected" – "reference") or ("observed" – "calculated") sense. The offsets should be added to reference positions to get the measured positions, which we use to calculate the prediction.


Archive of all P495.3 occultation predictions based on alternate sources of data, including past predictions


P495.3 Occultation Predictions for Individual Sites

Site East Longitude Latitude Distance (km)3
Pluto Immersion (UT)4
Mid-Time (UT)4

Pluto Emersion (UT)4

Altitude at

Midtime (deg)




Hobart 147 26 24 –42 48 18 2363 N. ---------- 13:48:07 ---------- 49.1 17.02
Mt. John 170 27 50 –43 59 22 1636 N. ---------- 13:47:05 ---------- 33.1 16.92
Mt. Stromlo 149 00 35 –35 18 57 2974 N. ---------- 13:47:34 ---------- 51.1 17.04
Siding Spring 149 03 44 –31 16 17 3348 N. ---------- 13:47:20 ---------- 52.3


Black Spring 138 53 18 –33 53 58 3405 N. ---------- 13:48:12 ---------- 59.2 17.09
Geocentric ---------- --------- 5953 N. ---------- 13:50:11 ---------- ---------- 16.76

3"Distance" refers to the closest approach distance of the "Site" to the center of Pluto's shadow in the shadow plane. The errors on all closest approach distances are 187 km (one standard deviation). "N." means the site is North of the center of Pluto's shadow.

4The errors on all times are ±00:00:11 (11 seconds; one standard deviation)

Results of Previous Occultations

Results of the 2006 Pluto occultation are described and compared with results of the 1988 and 2002 occultation in a preprint, Changes in Pluto's Atmosphere: 1988-2006

Last updated by Carlos A Zuluaga ( 2007-03-21 02:45

Please direct all inquiries to Planetary Astronomy Lab (
