Prediction Version |
Date & Time of Prediction (y m d) |
Date and Time (y m d h:s) |
Minimum Separation (arcsec) |
P131.1 Right Ascension (J2000) (h m s) |
P131.1 Declination (J2000) (d m s) |
Pluto Right Ascension Offset (arcsec) |
Pluto Declination Offset (arcsec) |
Position Angle (deg) |
Data Used | Notes |
p131.1-2.0 |
2002 05 17 11:03 AM EDT |
2002 08 21 06:57 UT | 0.05 | 16 58 49.439 | -12 51 31.83 | -0.04 | -0.04 | 298 | UCAC2 Catalogue extract suppled by Norbert Zacharius and Ron Stone |
A, B (see below) |
p131.1-2.2 |
2002 07 26 1:39 PM EDT |
2002 08 21 6:57 UT | 0.02+/-0.101 | Offset: +0.312+/-0.103 | Offset: -0.428+/-0.089 | Offset: -0.02+/- 0.007 | Offset: -0.023+/- 0.007 | 117 | observations at FASTT at USNO by Ron Stonce |
A, C (see below) |
p131.1-2.4 |
2002 08 02 11:12 AM EDT |
2002 08 21 07:02 UT | 0.05 +/-0.02 | Offset: -0.387 +/- 0.020 | Offset: -0.499 +/- 0.023 |
Offset: -0.02+/-0.007 |
Offset: -0.023+/- 0.007 | 117 |
observations at FASTT at USNO by Ron Stone |
A, C (see below) |
p131.1-2.5 |
2002 08 08 11:24 AM EDT |
2002 08 21 07:00 UT | 0.06 +/- 0.01 | Offset: -0.374 +/-0.009 | Offset: -0.460 +/-0.007 | Offset: -0.02 +/- 0.007 | Offset: -0.023 +/- 0.007 | 117 | measurements on 2 FASTT frames by Mike Person (frames provided by Ron Sttone) |
A, C (see below) |
p131.1-2.8 |
2002 08 16 05:12 AM EDT |
2002 08 21 06:59 UT | 0.04+/- 0.01 |
Offset: -0.354 +/-0.004 |
Offset: -0.459 +/- 0.004 | Offset: -0.02 +/- 0.01 | Offset: -0.023 +/- 0.01 | 117 | measurements on 21 USNO frames by Kelly Clancy and Mike Person (frames provided by Ron Stone and Steve Levine) |
A. C (see below) |
A) The separation between the center line and each of the limb lines is an estimated Pluto atmospheric half-light radius. (1160 km after correction for refraction by Pluto's atmosphere.)
B) The ephemeris used in this prediction is that generated for Pluto with JPL's Horizon's Ephemeris service (corrected for Light Travel time). A 0.04 arcsec correction (south and west in RA and Dec) is applied to account for estimated systematic errors between the ephemeris and observations.
C) Results for P131.1 are tabulated as offsets from the position given in prediction version 2.0. Results for Pluto are tabulated as offsets from the unmodified JPL Horizon's ephemeris. Strip scan reduction includes simultaneous least-squares point spread fitting to Pluto and Charon as well as P131.1, and uses the UCAC catalog for astrometric calibration.
Please direct all inquiries to Planetary Astronomy Lab (
Last updated by Katie Carbonari ( 2002 08 16 7:32 PM EDT